狂风骤起的日子里,天空乱云滚滚,阴霾凄凉。热闹喧嚣的学校内,操场上正在上一节体育课。老师懒洋洋地让孩子们站在起跑线上,孩子们则做好准备,等待号令。可是其中一名男孩来不及等待老师的鸣枪,便抢先跑了出去。他穿过操场,跑出校园,穿梭在大街小巷,爬过高楼大厦,飞跃房顶,俨然一名极限高手。而且男孩完全没有停下来的意思,直至夕阳西下,夜幕降临,少年的奔跑仍在继续。他来到了野外,与狂奔的野牛赛跑,间或跳上枝头躲避冲撞。不只有过了多长的时间,鹅毛大雪飘然落下,野外银装素裹,不辨方向。 少年的奔跑之旅何时是个尽头……
On a windy day, two small pieces of newspaper get stuck on the ends of a boy's running shoes, forming what look to be a pair of wings. Later that day, the boy is running in a track meet. Much to the confusion of his competitors and the race officials, the boy starts running before the starting whistle blows. After completing the race by himself, the boy, with an increased bound in his step, continues his run, first through the neighborhood, then to places unexpected. Meanwhile, a girl, inspired by what she sees, decides to create some art for the world to see.《Flutter》百度云网盘资源以及《Flutter》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Flutter》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!