《红色妖姬》/原名:《Sirè;ne rouge, La》/又名:《红海妖》,上映日期:2002-08-21,富可敌国的伊娃拥有几百家实业公司,但是她的脾气暴躁,甚至可以说是乖虐,容不下任何人,丈夫被他设计送进了监狱,后来不知所踪,偶然的机会,它的女儿目睹了她杀害女佣的一幕,天性善良富有正义感的女儿勇敢的拿着她杀人的录像带来到了警察局,但是因为伊娃权势庞大,一手遮天,加上录像带里的人无法看清面目,伊娃逃脱了法律的制裁,疯狂的伊娃为这件事情迁怒于年幼的女儿,艾丽思知道母亲迁怒于她之后,立即离家出走,决定寻找父亲,可是伊娃却雇用了大批杀手一路追击,危险关头,艾丽思遇到极富正义感的雨果,在雨果的帮助下,艾丽思能否逃过杀戮找到父亲呢?Nearly 13, Alice rebels, telling the Paris police that her mother is a murderer. Alice has no evidence; her mother, Eva, rich and powerful, avoids charges. Alice promptly runs away, determined to find her dad whom she claims lives in Portugal. The police believe he is dead and that Alice is in denial. Nonetheless, they dispatch Anita, an Italian police officer on loan to the French, to find Alice and bring her back. Meanwhile, Eva has launched her own paramilitary force to hunt for Alice, and Alice has found a protector in Hugo, an ex-soldier turned hit man and gang member. He promises to get her to her father. All roads lead to a small town on the Portuguese coast.《红色妖姬》百度云网盘资源以及《红色妖姬》高清mp4迅雷下载,《红色妖姬》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!
九区 DVD5
不错 我怎么没有个这么爱我的妈。。。这个妈形象还挺惊悚的
好文艺的动作片。。。好吧,剧情是我喜欢的,萝莉逃亡,就是动作部分。。。看了下这位导演后面的几部动作片,目测这电影可能受限于成本 ps翻译的字幕真心烂。。。还不如靠自己的听力。。。
奔着asia argento去看的,有《这个杀手不太冷》的味道